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HISTORY AND MISSION: at the management edge

ISEM-Istituto Europeo per il Marketing has been operating in Italy since 1989.
Its mission is: offer to Italian companies the best is available, at international and national level, in the field of MANAGEMENT and MARKETING, through consultancy projects, training and human resources development.

A strength point of ISEM is the privileged relationship with the founder of marketing, Philip KOTLER. ISEM is the official sponsor of Philip KOTLER in Italy.
With Kotler, ISEM organizes intercompany conferences, seminars and consultancies in behalf of private companies and public organizations.

In the field of managerial training ISEM organized, in the last years, prestigious seminars, international and national, with the most renowned authorities of management, such as:
Philip KOTLER, Michael PORTER, Henry MINTZBERG, Philip CROSBY, Rosabeth MOSS KANTER, Heinz GOLDMANN, Claus MOLLER, Mike KAMI, George DAY.

ISEM organized, moreover, management events, like the complete Cycle of seminars on MARKETING MANAGEMENT (taken by Philip Kotler in 1990), the EUROPEAN GLOBAL COMPANY MASTER (1991), the TOP MASTERS (1992 and 1993), the PLATFORM seminars dedicated to MARKETING, COMMUNICATION and QUALITY (1992 and subsequent years) and the GLOBAL PANEL MAASTRICHT (from 1993, in cooperation with E.R.C.).

A "follow-up" of the numerous seminars organized in Italy by ISEM with Philip Kotler are the MARKETING VIDEOCOURSES, carried out in Italian language with an interactive methodology.

Sold out the first edition of the videocourse MARKETING MANAGEMENT, a second edition has been published and three "monographic" videocourses on MARKETING OF SERVICES, MARKETING FOR BANKS and DIRECT MARKETING have been launched.

In the field of HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT, in marketing activity, ISEM is present with its programs and projects of RESEARCH, SELECTION AND TRAINING in behalf of the companies and the interested managers.

For the exploitation of the internationality and globalization of its operations ISEM is present in the United States through a strategic agreement with CRG CORPORATION, a company working in the field of managerial consultancy.

In 1994 ISEM set up the PHILIP KOTLER AWARD, a prize for the best marketing program carried out, in the previous year, by an Italian company. The award has been, up to now, assigned to Levi Strauss Italia, Industrie Natuzzi, Laboratori Guieu, Computer Discount and Procter & Gamble.